I don't get massages for myself. Why should I get one for my dog?

Pets can reap the same physical and emotional benefits from massage that humans can, and it can play an important role in maintaining their health and quality of life. Dogs are often not as good as humans at limiting their activity and resting their body when they are sore or injured. My own dog would probably chase a rabbit even with a broken leg! Massage is a great way to facilitate the healing process, whether it be just muscle soreness or recovery after an injury or surgery. 

The body of a dog is also built differently than the human body. Did you know that their front limbs are not connected to the torso skeletally? Those limbs are only attached via muscle and connective tissue. And since dogs bear more of their weight in the front of the bodies than in the rear, those muscles and tissues can easily get overworked.

Massage is not just glorified petting. During a session, specific techniques are performed to reduce tension in muscles and connective tissues, boost circulation, flush toxins, and promote healing. Every session is different and every session is tailored to the specific needs of your dog, whether they be young or old, athletic or out-of-shape, healthy or dealing with chronic illness.

Remember, it's important to consult your veterinarian regarding any acute or chronic illness or injury. wellness & wags strives to be part of an integrative approach to your pet's health. 

What types of massage therapy do you do?

Each massage session will be tailored to the individual needs of your dog. I have trained in a wide variety of massage techniques including: 

  • sports massage

  • myofascial work and trigger point therapy

  • orthopedic friction for tendon and ligament healing

  • manual lymphatic drainage, for edema management, immune-boosting, pre- and post-surgical, post-seizure, and oncology care

  • palliative, oncology, and hospice care

If your pet has recently had an injury/surgery or if they are planned to have surgery, please reach out. Adding massage treatment to their veterinary care can significantly reduce healing time. 

Is massage best for senior dogs?

While massage is a wonderful holistic modality for senior and geriatric dogs, it can offer therapeutic benefits to dogs of all ages, shapes and sizes. Young puppies can learn a lot from having positive touch experiences early in their development, and massage can help alleviate growing pains. Pre- and post-event sports massage can help athletic dogs perform their best and hasten recovery time. And in general, dogs of any age who experience a weekend of "overdoing it", or who have had an injury, illness, or recent surgery, can find comfort from massage; it helps to release muscle tension, break down scar tissue, reduce heat and swelling in an injury or surgery site, and clear toxins from their system.

Importantly, regardless of your dog's age or health status, massage triggers what is known as a "parasympathetic response," or in other words, a state of rest. Massage helps body systems relax, boosts the immune system and encourages healing. And yes, it feels good too!

What should I expect during the first session?

Each dog responds to massage in a different way.

Learn more about your first session here.

How many sessions will my dog need?

The number of recommended sessions will vary based on the dog’s health status and your goals for incorporating massage into their wellness plan. During our first session, we will discuss a massage treatment plan that works best for both you and your pet. 

How should I prepare my home for your visit?

No need to clean for my visit! After working with your dog, I guarantee there will be even more hair tumbleweeds to vacuum. 

However, it is important that distractions are minimized as much as possible during the session. Don't be offended if I request that you turn off the TV or radio, or if we save conversation and questions for the conclusion of the session. I may also ask that other family members (both human and furry!) hang out in a different room during the session. When I work on your pet, being present and reading their body language is critical. 

What forms of payment do you accept?

Don’t worry, we take credit cards!

For your convenience, we accept payments via cash, check, credit card, Venmo and Zelle.

Do you work with cats?

Yes, I work with feline friends! Unfortunately I am not taking on new cat-only clients, but if I am currently working with your pup and you also have a cat in your home, feel free to book a longer session so that I can offer bodywork to your cat as well.